Helping therapists gain confidence by making advanced concepts approachable

Our Courses

Meet Sara and Sydney

Physical therapists with 25 combined years of experience in a highly specialized interdisciplinary clinic specializing in vestibular and facial nerve disorders. 

Our Story

Course Offerings

Vestibular Rehab Mini Course

  • Course Type: Online; self paced
  • CEU's: pending in Louisiana (1 hour)
  • Level: Beginner
  • 3 learning modules with printable PDF version
  • Printable reference handout
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Current Concepts in BPPV

  • Course Type: Online; self paced
  • CEU’s: Approved by Louisiana for 3.25 CEU's (PT/PTA only)
  • Target Audience: PT/PTA and OT/COTA
  • Level: Beginner to Intermediate 
  • 7 learning modules with printable PDF version
  • Printable resource packet
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Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy:

An Evidence Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment of Vestibular Disorders

  • Course Type: In person 
  • CEU’s: Approved by state of Louisiana for 14 CEU’s
  • Target Audience: PT/PTA and OT/COTA
  • Level: Beginner to Intermediate
      See course dates below


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Upcoming Live Courses

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy: An Evidence Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment of Vestibular Disorders

Fall 2024, Baton Rouge, LA 

New Orleans LA

January 20-21, 2024

LSU Health Sciences Center


  • Comprehensive introduction to vestibular rehab
  • Great for beginners and intermediate learners
  • Hands on labs
  • Printed resources and lecture
  • 14 CEU's
  • Instructors: Sara MacDowell, PT and Rachel Wellons, PT, NCS
Registration Closed

Baton Rouge, LA

Sept 30/Oct 1, 2023

Franciscan University Department of PT


  • Comprehensive introduction to vestibular rehab
  • Great for beginners and intermediate learners
  • Hands on labs
  • Printed resources and lecture
  • 14 CEU's
  • Instructors: Sara MacDowell, PT and Sydney Duhe, PT
Registration Closed

The Story Behind ANTE

Back in 2009, while working in an inpatient stroke rehab unit, one of my patient’s had vestibular symptoms and I felt unprepared to provide her adequate treatment. I started reading as much as I could and found a mentor to guide me through treating her. After that patient had excellent results, I was completely fascinated by the vestibular system and started learning as much as I could. A few years later, I went to Emory University to complete the “Vestibular Competency” course and absolutely loved being immersed in the world of vestibular therapy. I subsequently became the lead therapist for an outpatient vestibular rehab program in St. Louis, MO.  After years of learning as much as possible and taking every advanced course I could, I developed my own continuing education course and traveled around the country to teach. I loved meeting therapists from all over and really loved teaching. I found that the feedback was pretty much the same everywhere, people felt like they finally understood, like something clicked. I absolutely loved helping therapists gain that confidence. In 2012 my husband and I decided to move back to my hometown, Baton Rouge, LA. I was fortunate to be able to join an interdisciplinary team in a large neuro-otology practice. I have loved the challenge of working in a bustling tertiary care center, but I realized that I truly missed teaching. So, in 2019, I launched Advanced Neuro Therapy Education with the goal of teaching local therapists about the vestibular system. I recently realized that I want to reach even more therapists and offer more content. I was fortunate to have a colleague who shares my same passion and so I brought Sydney Duhe onto the team. We are excited to see what this new phase of ANTE can offer!

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